" /> Shri Yantra Mandir Haridwar

What is Shri Yantra?

The Sanskrit term Shri yantra originates from “yan” or “yam” meaning “medium” and “tra” meaning “instrument” or “tool”. Here Shri represents wealth and Yantra is an instrument, apparatus or an amulet endowed with protective powers, its ultimate purpose is to unite us with our higher selves. Shri Yantra holds supreme status among all mystic sciences and disciplines. Tantric gurus have collectively declared Shri yantra as the best medium for manifestation and wish fulfillment.

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Our Activities for welfare

The Activities of Pujya Maharaj Nirvana Pithadhishwar Acharya Mahamandleshwar Shri 108 Swami Vishwadevanada ji embraced spiritual, cultural, educational, scientific and social fields. One of the significant achievements in these fields is the unique work he has done for the upliftment of poor Brahmin students & Sanyasis (Monks) in all over India. These institutions were managed by our Pujya Maharaj Shri.

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समाज सेवा में रत, सर्वजन सुखाय सर्वजन हिताय, विश्व के कल्याण का उद्घोष देने वाले भारतीय वैदिक सनातन भावना के अजस्त्र, अवोध, अविरल गति से प्रचार में समस्त जीवन अर्पण करने वाले देव - तुल्य सन्यासी, शास्त्री महारथी, ओजस्वी वक्ता, प्रकाण्ड पंडित, युगदृष्टा श्री निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री विश्वदेवानंद जी महाराज को अनंतबोध चैतन्य का कोटि -कोटि प्रणाम |

- अनंतबोध चैतन्य